Monday, December 17, 2012

The Magic Of Human Brain

Every component, even the tiny cells of human body are marvelous creations of nature. The human brain is superior to all the other organs because its function is not only confined to the physical activities of body, rather, it exists as the source and representative of the linkage between the individual and the cosmic consciousness. The apparent activities of the gross body as well as the latent potentials of a human being are governed by the conscious and unconscious mind. In view of its infinite capabilities and constant connection with the cosmic consciousness, the human brain (mind) can be regarded as powerful as the eternal linkage between the soul and the divine Supreme.

Decipheration of the immense complexity and infinite capabilities of human brain is as important and difficult field of science, as that of elucidation of the mysteries of nature. If even a fraction of the arcane functions of the brain and the latent potentials of mind are understood and used righteously, the associated accomplishments of the power of consciousness would prove to be better than colossal mountains of natural resources. An average human normally uses a negligible fraction of the true potentials of his brain (mind). It is like only a small bowl of water from a gigantic ocean... If some of the unused power of consciousness existing in this unique source is awaken and activated creatively, the progress, prosperity and power of humans would advance uncountable steps ahead of the present marks of tremendous successes.

Giyovani Gallenti of Italy used to read so easily in the darkness of nights - without any artificial source of light, as an ordinary man would do in bright sunlight. Mr. Gopikrishna, employed in the 27 education department of Jammu, India used to teach in a primary school. Though he had not learnt any language other than Hindi, he once got a feeling as if he had a natural command over many languages... Soon his brain became a center of attraction for researchers when it was found that the supernormal awakening of his latent or inherited memory had overnight made him versatile in German, French, Greek, Arabian and Sanskrit. He could converse very well in these ‘unknown’ languages and even write sentimental poems in each. More astonishing was the super brain of Luis Kardek of France, who, at the age of four years was able to speak excellently in English, French, German and some other European languages... It is said that he was able to read the holy Bible when he was hardly an year old. John Philip Verotier had obtained a Ph.D. degree at the age of fourteen years. He had remarkable grasping power and was able to reproduce as it is, whatever he had ever heard or read.....Victor D. Joy is remembered in history because of her superb memory. She remembered complete literary works of Voltaire by heart. It should be noted that this work is compiled in 36 volumes and consists of over three billion words. Joy was selected for the well- deserved membership of the French Academy when she was a 13 years old young girl. 

Supernatural talents of human mind have also made recognized place in the fields of art, literature and culture. Ravi Kiran’s case is the latest evidence in this regard. The Madras music academy had recently announced a special scholarship for this two-and-a-half years old kid in recognition of his exceptional talents in Indian classical music. This little boy had mastery over many musical instruments. He also used to point out the mistakes, if any, in the performance of others - including experienced musicians. Sir John Fielding was a highly respected judge of England. Though he was blind, his ears were so sensitive that he was able to recognize the voices of thousands of criminals and clients whose cases were ever heard in his courts. He could even recall the names of the concerned persons and references of their cases. L’Cruze also had extraordinary memory. In one of his demonstrative shows, he heared twelve poems, of twelve different languages, which were foreign to him. Almost instantly, he had repeated all these without mistaking a single word! 

The immense power of human mind has been the focus of research of many scientists. A psychological investigations committee has published a review of some recent results in a volume entitled ‘The Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death’. This book has also cited examples of child ‘prodigies’ who were more knowledgeable and talented than the expert-performers in the diverse fields of Arithmetic, Geormetry, Music, Fine Arts etc. Revered Shankaracharya had taken his mentor by surprise because of his scholarly knowledge at very young age. If a child has extraordinary talents or in-depth knowledge of different subjects at the age of 5 to 6 years, without undergoing any schooling or having an exposure to any book or training, it strongly indicates that the knowledge and talents inherited from the previous births of this soul have aroused in its present life. The live examples of this kind evince the independent and eternal existence of the soul and the intimate linkage of mind with its conscious manifestations. 

The example of Henris Hennanken makes significant addition in the above series. This boy was born in Germany about 200 years ago. He was able to state thousands of proverbs and idioms in Latin at the age of three years. Simple operations of Arithmetic were easy games for him. At this pre-schooling age, this child had also shown keen interest in learning French and Geography. Wiener, the author of ‘Cybernetics’ used to discuss and solve problems of science along with 18 - 20 year old students when he was less than one-third of the latter’s age....American physicist, Dr. Stevenson, has compiled reports on about 600 such incidents where the descriptions of previous births narrated by some people - especially children of age below 14 years, were found to be correct. About 170 of these authentic examples belong to India alone. 30 Similar to the examples of child prodigies, the demonstration of remarkable talents in people during the last phase of life indeed proves the magical potentials of human mind beyond the barriers of age and time.

Above examples and other references of exceptional talents and zeal of some people reflect the infinite capabilities of human mind. This potential exists in everybody at every age. What is required is sincere attempts to charge it up by mental refinement and concentration. Sometimes the inherent samsk³ras support natural awakening of talents in some people. Different activities of the gross world continue in view of the fact that sincere attempts and hard work returns due success. The same works in the case of spiritual s³dhan³s too. If these are based on genuine principles of spirituality and are adeptly performed, multiple benefits of their completion are certain to occur. Fructization of the s³dhan³s pertaining to the refinement of the subtle power of the Manomaya Koïa (mind cell) results in sublimation of the mental strength, hidden talents and intellectual potentials. Cultivation and refinement of these qualities is the key to rousing the latent powers of mind and thereby accomplishing supernormal talents.

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